Thursday, March 25, 2010

April Post about anything and everything goes on and on....

1. Naomi here
2. Barry thinking

1.Naomi here
....yes and on....Most of us spend our lives as if we had another in the bank

 "Learn from others mistakes ,you can never live long enough to make them al yourself"

Mars and Venus
 A man nods his head to show he is in agreement;a woman to show she's listening. This leads a man to assume that she agrees with him when in fact,she's simply paying attention!

 "Exercise is the best kept secret of preventive medecine" Dr Harvey Simon

Q Why is that if we have a project that would take six hours to complete ,we keep putting it off ,until close to the deadline and then try to complete it in say two hours?

In Fashion ladies hats seem to be coming in again.Surely not!
 Avatar 3D reminds me of the movies that my folks told me about . IN THOSE DAYS THEY HAD TO WEAR GLASSES,which were handed out at the door of the cinema,they were soaked in Dettol water,but as eye deseases spread the veiwing thing soon stopped.My mother said that the glasses also made her nauseous and later many people complained of that.Hopefully things have progressed since and now newer techniques are  used. Computer AVATAR games seem to be the in thing these days as all our younger relatives seem to be playing them.

"Make good habits  and they will make you"--- Park Cousins

DO SEX by Barry this month I want to concentrate upon the S in SEX.That stands for three words that can or not be taken together or not.The words are Sleep,Stress and Sex its self. A good nights sleep relieves tension and  should leave you feeling great the next morning to tackle the day ahead.Easier said than done to leave all your problems behind and not lie awake at night re-hashing them.Try tensing all your muscles sittting in a chair ,hold for about ten seconds then relax.Start with your feet then work your way up your body till you get right to your neck.Please don't do any  thing that you don'tfeel at ease with.I find this helps me relax and everybody can probably work out their own routine. As far as stress goes during the day stop what you are doing and breath slower after taking a deep breath.The third Stress reliever is of course Sex but will not do much if you are over tired and could be left for the morning.Just in passing I must tell you that SEX is the only thing that can be enjoyed with out smiling! Cheers till next month.
Fantasy football is just the game to to help relieve stress,take your mind off everyday problems

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June Grouch! Lazy doctors?

  Doctors do not examine one as they used to in the past .They ask you whats wrong and just treat one for that ailment. I was   getting bad ...