I am going to have a go at Stress this month.
Yes Stress is what happens to our body when any "pleasant" or "unpleasant" demand is placed upon it.
Although we can't avoid stress Live for Life: Avoid the Stress Mess
1. Finish every day and be done with it.You have done what you could.Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in,forget them as soon as you can.
2.Tomorrow is a new day;begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense!
3.This day is all that is good and fair.It is too dear ,with hopes and invitations,to waste a moment on the yesterdays !
For a nostalgic look back at the films most popular in the nineteen nineties go have a look at the armchair blog for a list of a hndred most visited movies.
Tell a man that there 300 million stars in the universe and he will believe you.
Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch it to make sure!
As a drunk staggers on to a bus an old lady says ,"i've got news for you ,you are going straight to hell"
He says"thank you Ma'am i'll have to get off ,i'm on the wrong bus!
Today I would like to discuss perfumes.I enjoy a fragrance that is not completely over powering or a lavender water which just gives a sense of presence. Since men these days also use so called masculine perfumes ,they should also wise up to what attracts women.I must say some of the scents they use smell just like insecticide ! Especially younger men seem to be influenced by those advertisements of a hoard girls jumping out of a coffin and pulling a man in with them! In one office where I worked
a young man smelt terrible with a dreadful brand of perfume and every one cringed as he entered the office every morning.After about a month even the boss could not bear it anymore and called him intto his office.He was obviously indignant ,for much to our relief he stormed out and never returned.
An after shave that is mild is a better idea
I met a horrible and rude man downtown this morning ,I knew right away he was a trouble maker. He started to insult me and used bad language ,he even threatened me!
After all we met by accident when I ran over his foot with my car!
Sandra Bullock offered advice to Tiger Woods wife Ellin Nordegren which now seems pretty ironic.She said about Jesse James that if she found out he was having affairs she would beat him with a baseball bat and would not stop!She thought her marraige was rock solid at the time.Seems that now that he was caught out, the fighting spirit has left her and she moved out.
= I have been listening to Kylie Minogue latest CDs I find the more i listen the more I want to listen
Cameron Diaz is making a movie with her ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake which includes very steamy sex scenes.Justins girlfriend claims she is thrilled! Yeh sure!
Finally a blonds mating call "I think I'm drunk !"
The AppleIpad seems to have been well received by the american public and half a million were sold in the first three days
This month I am concentrating on the E for Eating correctly and X for Exercise.
First I must tell you about a wonderful breakfast that i have dscovered.It is adding one cup of Oat Bran to one Cup of Oats. Then I cook half a cup in the microwave and have found that amount ever morning keeps me regular and this has worked for me for a couple of months now.
And now for the X for Exercise .
If you want to stay passionate in old age EXERCISE regularly.A University of Chicago study has found that people that are unfit lose interest in sex twenty years earlier.Fit people are more likely to have SEX at least twice to three times a week.Then there is a British survey that shows that people living near green spaces are more sexually active than those living further away as they are likely to exercise more.