Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June Grouch! Lazy doctors?

 Doctors do not examine one as they used to in the past .They ask you whats wrong and just treat one for that ailment. I was

  getting bad stomach pains and could not stop vomiting at each incident. The private doctor dismissed it at the first visit as seasonal stomach flu. At the second visit he took blood samples but never examined me physically, then announced it was an ulcer and Iwas awash with gunk for acidity!I protested i was not acid but no avail!Turns out it was a hernia and this could be seen  if they had totally undressed me ,my intestines came thru a hole on my left side of my body. Fine now,with a brace!

Friday, March 1, 2024

My latest grouch !

 Many people are now syndrome mad! Especially females. Seems to be a trend when going to the doctor .Also one upmanship! Little do they realise that no one knows what the hell is wrong with them!

As an example COXSACKIE is now flung about and is quite common. Then the poor doctor has to invent a deviant different one to please these up-market crowd.


Friday, December 30, 2022

E-Nuff !!!

No year end is complete with out Turkey, Fruit Cake, assorted Nuts. That decribes my family !  Nuff said!!!

Naomi's children said come to our house whilst we go away. Use everything and relax!

Turns out we were baby sitters for nine dogs. Two in front ,two at the back and five in the house! Large dogs front and back of house, five naughty small dogs in the house, and problems when they move into the wrong zone. Naomi cleaning up poo at 3 am in the morning! Anyway once bitten twice shy!

We need a holiday now to recover!

Wednesday, July 27, 2022


 Memories come and go at my age! I do remember though when a teenager it was important always to add to my age, if asked by some one whats my age i would proudly say sixteen and a half or seventeen and three quarter,or what ever was my age was ,plus,plus !

When an adult parts of a year really did not matter any more ,of course!

I was highly amused at myself yesterday as when asked by some one ,how old I was,said off handidly eighty three,then remembered that was not completely right and then added three quaters of a year! Stupid really but with all the trails and tribulations one has to go through at this age,i suppose I feel lucky to be alive!

Monday, March 28, 2022



Seen on Twitter! I have a perverted mind,anything you say will be turned into something dirty!

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

June Grouch! Lazy doctors?

  Doctors do not examine one as they used to in the past .They ask you whats wrong and just treat one for that ailment. I was   getting bad ...